BC Pizza Franchise Support
Now you’ve reviewed our materials and documents, met with us, and determined that you want your own BC Pizza franchise. What’s next? We will work with you and provide you with all the franchise support you need to get your business off to a good start.
We grant an exclusive area to each owner. We’re looking at possible locations throughout your area and beyond, but it’s your business and your decision. We’ll help you find a territory that fits your plans. Finding a suitable territory is key to your success so we will help you find the right location using our expertise. Simply let us know where you would ideally want to be, we will work to find a business location that meets our business expectations as well as your personal requirements as they relate to your life and family.

Customer Base
Your customers come in all age ranges, mostly from your neighborhood that extends out in a five to ten-minute drive area. It’s fast-casual, and that’s the fastest-growing segment of the restaurant industry. Our pricing makes everyone smile and our food makes them come back.
We will help you work with a good broker to find a suitable location in your territory. That’s the hardest part. We both know you want to get started, but it’s worth waiting for the right location. It may take anywhere from six months to a year to find your spot, so patience is a virtue, but it’s worth the effort.
We’ll assist you with the design, ordering, and remodeling of your restaurant. Each BC Pizza restaurant shares a common theme, but we want yours to be a “local” place, not a stamped-out copy with plastic plants. It can take two to three months to finish your restaurant, depending on the building, interior, permits, and other considerations.
Your training begins long before your restaurant is ready to open. We’ll train you in one or more of our locations where you’ll learn our operations and management methods. Then we’ll come to your restaurant to help you train your staff and open for business. It’s hard work, but your enthusiasm, energy, and a good attitude can make it fun, too. Remember, you earn what you learn, and we want you to know it all.
You’re open and running but you’re not alone. We’re here to help you as needed. We will provide ongoing field support, not just inspections. Your success is our success, so we’re there to continue to grow and expand our mutual relationship in your own BC Pizza.
Thanks for your interest in our franchise program. Come and eat with us soon!